
Anorak News | R Kelly is a wanted man, again!

R Kelly is a wanted man, again!

by | 15th, June 2012

AMERICA’S IRS are currently at R Kelly’s door shouting “Can we get a toot, toot? Beep beep?” and asking where to go after the show and the after party because, if the R&B egomaniac doesn’t mind too much, he owes them a reported $5million and if he wouldn’t mind handing it over, that’d be great.

Real talk.

Documents with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds show that Kels owes the IRS all that money in unpaid taxes going as far back as 2005. And while he paid $2.6 million in back taxes in 2008 and another $1 million last year, state records show he still owes the federal government more than $4.8 million.

Hot ‘n’ fresh out the kitchen!

Uncharacteristically, the singer could not be reached for comment. He’s normally so willing to tell everyone how amazing he is and now, like the time he was in hospital with a bad throat, he’s gone ever so quiet. In fairness, he’s got the next 3,000 chapters of Trapped In The Closet to write.

We’re legally obliged to mention his acquittal on child pornography charges too.


Posted: 15th, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink