
Anorak News | Tulisa Contostavlos’ secret arrest after stabbing

Tulisa Contostavlos’ secret arrest after stabbing

by | 18th, June 2012

BEING Tulisa isn’t easy. First off, you have to be in a band with Dappy and secondly, you have to defend yourself after someone crassly leaks a blow-job video of you online. Then there’s the whole ‘working for Simon Cowell’ thing. It’s been a rocky road for that poor woman.

And now, she’s revealing more about her turbulent life.

In her biog, she’s talked about her secret arrest after a stabbing! Apparently, she attended a party in 2008 which saw a massive fight breaking out. Someone in the ruckus got stabbed. Worried that this could ruin her reputation, Contostavlos ran away from the scene, phoning her manager Jonathan Shalit for advice before contacting the police.

She was later arrested took the stand at the Blackfriars’ Crown Court after her then-boyfriend was accused of wounding with intent and dangerous driving.

The book reads:

“Fortunately, on the night itself, Tulisa had the presence of mind to call Jonathan Shalit and any fallout was well-managed. Incredibly, the arrests of Tulisa and Bailey never made the papers at the time. That would certainly not happen today when she is a far bigger star.”

The biography also talks of another incident which saw Tulisa thinking that she was going to get shot by a gang!

Recalling a night in December 2009, Tulisa said:

“All I heard was, ‘Where’s the ’ting? Buss it’ (Slang for ‘Where is the gun? Shoot it’).’ When I heard that, I thought, ‘Oh my God, he’s got a gun’.”

Then, Tulisa’s fella attempted to escape by speeding off in his car, but when it veered off the road the car overturned leaving Tulisa screaming. She added:

“I thought, ‘Oh my God, he’s dead.’ I was screaming hysterically. I thought, ‘If he’s not dead, they are going to jump on him and kill him.'”

Tulisa: The real deal.

Posted: 18th, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink