
Anorak News | Woman gets superglued to Walmart toilet seat: Round up the usual people

Woman gets superglued to Walmart toilet seat: Round up the usual people

by | 20th, June 2012

TO the toilets at the Walmart in Monticello, Kentucky, where a woman has been stuck to a toilet for over an hour. The woman is not gargantuan. She is not wedged into the seat. She has just sat on a toilet seat that some kind soul has coated in super glue. Local news reports that this “may have been done on purpose.”

You wonder how superglue on the toilet seat could have gotten there by accident? Of if, perhaps, it’s not superglue but something altogether more revolting. Maybe one of these fine shoppers beat her to the seat?


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Posted: 20th, June 2012 | In: Strange But True Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink