Alec Baldwin speaks out about lamping photographer
PAPARAZZI photographers are, to all intents and purposes, scumbags. However, most people in Britain are awfully interested in what they do, making absolutely everyone scumbags by default. And who has no time for scumbags? Alec Baldwin! If you don’t count his brother, Stephen!
That’s right! Our Alec got into a tussle with a paparazzo and now he wants to tell us all about it.
“There was a person in front of me, and he was blocking me, and the [photographer] lunged and he almost hit me in the teeth with the lens of the camera. So, I just pushed the guy away.”
“But of course [the paparazzi] make it like, they all – my favorite line is John Malkovich’s. He said, ‘They all scream like they’re political prisoners.’”
The ‘fight’ took place in Manhattan where Alec and fiancée Hilaria Thomas had gone to get themselves a marriage license from a building swarming with cops.
“People think that I’m out there decking photographers willy nilly – nothing could be further from the truth.” he said. “I mean, I’m in front of a courthouse, the place is crawling with cops. If I’m slugging a photographer out in front of a courthouse – I mean, I’m dumb, but I’m not that dumb. There must’ve been 10 cops right there on the block.”
However, Alec has previous.
“This is a guy who’d baited me before, he’d camped in front of my house.”
Photographer Marcus Santos has filed a complaint with police accusing Baldwin of punching him, but no charges have been filed.
Hands up if you’d prefer it if Baldwin actually kicked the shit out of a paparazzo?
Posted: 21st, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink