
Anorak News | Emma Stone pretends to be flattered at creepy declaration of love from Jim Carrey

Emma Stone pretends to be flattered at creepy declaration of love from Jim Carrey

by | 21st, June 2012

CELEBRITIES, as you know, are thoroughly mental. The more famous they become, the weirder they get. Take Jim Carrey for example. For some inexplicable reason, he decided to take to YouTube and declare his love for actress Emma Stone.

In the clip, he said that he wanted to have “chubby little freckle-faced kids” with her, adding: “Emma, I think you’re all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but smart and kind-hearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you,” Carrey said in the video.

“Every day, for the rest of your life, you would thank God that I was the appropriate age for you. But I’m not. I’m 49. I have lines of my face, sometimes a little gray in my heard, and it takes me a little bit longer to pee than it used to,” he said.

Of course, Jim had to pass it all off as ‘part of a comedy routine’, but that’s about as believable as a punk doing a butter advert and passing it off as some kind of art-school prank. Either way, Emma Stone has now decided to talk about the incident.

And, presumably with a look of sheer terror in her eyes, she said she was flattered by the whole thing.

“I was so flattered I can’t even tell you! Honest! I was really flattered, I really was!” she said. She then added: “Right before that video came out, we were at the MTV Movie Awards. Jason Sudeikis hosted. There was like five of us, and we just went on this tangent of talking nice behind Jim Carrey’s back. And so when (the video) happened, we all kind of talked to each other like, ‘Weird, that was the guy we were lauding for, like, 30 minutes.’ Have you ever done that? Just all sat around a table saying nice things about one person?”

“It was the greatest thing. You walk away, and you were just like, ‘That felt so good, to talk about how wonderful someone is,” she added.

To translate that whole Emma Stone quote, read: ‘So anyway, Jim Carrey… we were saying how weird he was and then he went and made that video… so now, we’re all being ultra nice about him because we don’t want to wake up in the dead of night with him, stood over our beds, gurning at us, sharpening his axe.’

Posted: 21st, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink