Poetry of the Taliban – ‘The Taliban’s aesthetic sensibilities’ in rhymes
BOOK of the day: Poetry of the Taliban, with introduction from Hous bin Pharteen and Mustafa Herod Apyur Pouppr, translated into English by Norm de Poom and German by Hans Zupp. It’s distributed by Pharoah Nuff books and published by Warren Peace. No, of course not. This book is no parody. It’s the real deal.
The contrast between the severity of their professed ideology and the license of the Taliban’s aesthetic sensibilities – in which unrequited love, bloody vengeance and the thrill of battle, religion and nationalism, even a desire for non-violence, are expressed through images of wine, powerful women, song, legend and pastoral beauty – provide a fascinating insight into the minds and hearts of these deeply emotional people.
UK Release Date: May 17, 2012
Anticipated US release date: June 2012 (although that is subject to change – indeed, it may never be released.)
Posted: 28th, June 2012 | In: Books 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink