
Anorak News | World collapses in shock as Snoop Dogg gets detained in possession of weed

World collapses in shock as Snoop Dogg gets detained in possession of weed

by | 30th, June 2012

STONERS are fantastically forgetful aren’t they? You can imagine that, half of the time they get nicked while in possession, they’ve completely forgotten they had some weed about their person at all. It must be a brief rollercoaster of emotion – ‘Uh! I where d’ya find that! Wait. I’m being lectured by a cop. What was I doing again?’

The poor buggers.

And famous toker, Snoop Dogg, has found himself in some bother after getting stopped by Norwegian customs reeking of skunk.

Norwegian media reported that Snoop (what’s his name, fool?) was detained at Kjevic airport and was found carrying eight grams of marijuana and about 227,000 Norwegian kroner (£24,100) in cash. In Norway, possession of small amounts of hash is not a criminal offence, so Snoop was fined 12,000kr (£1,300), plus another 40,000kr (£4,300) for exceeding customs’ rules on cash.

Of course, around this time, he was tweeting and Instagramming away, showing off a lovely hairdo and what looked awfully like a big ol’ bag of skunk (with some delightfully ostentatious bling).

Posted: 30th, June 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink