
Anorak News | Scientologist spies sent to follow Katie Holmes after Tom Cruise split

Scientologist spies sent to follow Katie Holmes after Tom Cruise split

by | 2nd, July 2012

OVER the weekend, the New York Post ran one of the most wonderfully salacious articles ever written about Scientology, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. If you don’t want to read it all, it’s claimed that Holmes was groomed to be Tom’s wife and signed a 5-year contract to be his missus, with a $3million yearly bonus for staying with him, and of course, those 5-years are now up.

Of course, Scientology gossip is pop-culture catnip and the stories are going to be numerous over the coming weeks as everyone stands around muttering about how weird it all is.

And now, it is claimed that there has been Scientology spies deployed to stalk Holmes after she filed for divorce on Thursday in NYC, citing irreconcilable differences and seeking sole custody of the couple’s daughter Suri (there’s a whole other conspiracy theory surrounding Suri’s parentage, but we’ll save that for another time).

The Sun have said that mysterious men have been seen monitoring the street outside her home, and the actress has asked aides to take photographs of the alleged spies. Even the paparazzi who are obviously following her every move, have noticed that there’s people hanging around who definitely aren’t working for the press.

Rupert Murdoch has even weighed in, saying that he thinks Scientologists are “creepy” and possibly even evil. How creepy must you be if Murdoch is saying that about you?

Ambulance-chasing TMZ have reported that Holmes is seeking sole custody of Suri and, using unnamed sources, added that she fears “that Tom would drag Suri deep into the church…We’re told the couple had been arguing over Suri – that she’s now of the age where Scientology becomes a significant part of her life,” it said.

There’s been no comment as such from Holmes or Cruise and the Church of Scientology is presumably too busy to talk to the press. Either way, this story is going to be a runner and, quite possibly, one of the most sinister events in pop-culture history.

Stay tuned.

Posted: 2nd, July 2012 | In: Celebrities 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink