
Anorak News | The Blood We Share: Ian Huntley’s brother Wayne investigates Soham murderer’s path to murder

The Blood We Share: Ian Huntley’s brother Wayne investigates Soham murderer’s path to murder

by | 9th, July 2012

WAYNE Huntley has written a book, published to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the schoolgirls murdered by his older brother Ian Huntley in Soham, Cambridgeshire. The Blood We Share has been front-page news on the Sun, which yesterday yelled: “FAMILY FURY AT KILLER 10 YEARS ON – I WISH MY EVIL BROTHER HUNTLEY WAS DEAD.”

The Sun detailed elements of Huntley’s “cushy” life in prison. He “DEVOURS steaks” and eats “slap-up meals”. And:

LOVES watching Manchester United games on prison TV — unmoved by the fact that his two victims were wearing the team’s red shirts when he killed them.

That Ian Huntley is a nasty piece of work seems unworthy of additional comment. But rather than wishing him dead, as the headline states, Wayne Huntley suggests his brother has a conscience that does not allow to face the truth:

“I believe he knows the truth is too awful for him to admit — it would mean even more people in prison would want to kill him.”

So. “Evil” Huntley is in “cushy” prison surrounded by people who want to kill him?

Wayne Huntley adds:

“I told him, ‘This is an opportunity for you to let everybody know what happened in Soham and why’. He has a chance of ending the pain of the girls’ families.”

Ian Huntley is serving two life sentences. It is very unlikely he will ever be released. After he was jailed, the murdered girls’ families issued a statement:

“We understand that judges can only sentence on the facts of the case brought before them. But make no mistake we hope that Ian Huntley spends the rest of his natural life in prison. As parents we may or may not be around in 40 years time. But our children will. They like us continue to feel the pain of their sisters’ murders each and every day. That should not be forgotten even in the distant years to come. That pain does not go away.”

Wayne Huntley puts too much importance on his own investigation. The pain will never go away for the bereft. And then his story and the Sun’s interpretation of it gets more confused. Wayne Huntley tells the Sun:

“I have no doubt what he did weighs heavily on his mind. Yet he has never uttered a word of contrition to me. That’s something I struggle with.”

There it is again: “evil” has a conscience.

But Wayne is convinced cowardly Huntley is haunted by his ghastly crimes and will try to take his own life. He has already tried to kill himself twice with overdoses. The double killer is also terrified of being murdered himself. Armed robber Damien Fowkes slashed Huntley’s throat in March 2010 in his cell in Frankland.

The Sun is redefining the word “cushy”.

The garbled rot continues in the Sun today. Over two pages the paper thunders:

“Raging Ian hit me with brick, then got young girl to take the blame”.

Ian Hungley was 9 when he tossed a brick at his eight-year-old brother Wayne. The Sun’s Brian Flynn than manages by some form of magick to link what might be put down to childish stupidity by adding:

His nightmare included being rushed to hospital on his eighth birthday after nine-year-old Huntley threw a BRICK at his head. The cold and calculating older brother then got an innocent girl to take the blame.

Years later the violent brute murdered Cambridgeshire ten-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman after getting a job as a school caretaker. And Wayne said last night: “I’m under no illusions — I could easily have been a victim of his.

After hearing of two other fights between the brothers, we lean that Huntley encouraged a girl “two years his junior” to take the rap for the tossed brick. You see, Ian Huntley hadn’t thrown it directly at Wayne’s head. They each been standing on separate sides of a “quite high” wooden fence. Say Wayne:

“He knew the girl would be willing to take the rap for him…She had an eye for him…Years later Ian quite happily told me it was him.”

That girl waas seven? We lean that Huntley “nurtured a retinue of young girls”.

To put the tin lid on this non-sequiteur in hard back, the Sun’s Flynn writes:

“His brother’s loves as a child were snooker and chess – and he wold love humiliating older opponents.”

Young boy likes beating bigger boys and dads. Parents take note. This can lead to him growing up to murder children,  possibly. Flynn adds:

“Chess may have helped the mainpualating future killer develop another of his character traits.”

Pawn? Says Wayne:

“He would try to  position people where he needed them…”

As Sun readers digest that – and possibly review their thoughts on the child murderer they once thought so highly of – the Daily Maildelivers a country-punch:

Sickening lies of the Soham killer’s brother, by his ex-wife: She slams book ‘cashing in’ on deaths his former wife Claire Evans – who, bizarrely, was also once married to Ian Huntley – has accused him of peddling ‘outright lies’.

Says the twice-ex Mrs Huntley

“We are approaching the ten-year anniversary of the horrific murders of two little girls by a monster and yet here we are again, with a Huntley no doubt making a fistful of cash on the back of such a heinous crime. In my opinion, anyone with a shred of common decency would think that those poor parents have had enough. From my perspective, if Wayne had important information to pass on about his brother and what he did, he should have written a letter to the girls’ parents quietly and confidentially. I will not purchase his book, nor do I believe anyone with a shred of decency should.”

Anyone care to guess which newspaper got the book’s serialisation rights and which missed out..?

Posted: 9th, July 2012 | In: Books, Key Posts, Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink