Tom Cruise, already engaged to another woman?
IS Tom Cruise the Jesus of Scientology or something? The Force is strong in this one and he seems fast-tracked to the top of the Thetan pile for some reason. Is it anything to do with his vast wealth and influence? Probably not. What kind of church would make a decision on their future on something as flimsy as that?
Either way, important Scientologists can’t hang around without a woman, can they? Only 29 seconds after finalising his divorce with Katie Holmes (which left him “deeply saddened”), he’s apparently got someone lined-up to replace her, notably, fellow Scientologist Yolanda Pecoraro.
According to a number of publications, Yolanda has known Cruise since 2004 and Scientology experts (this one is called Margery Wakefield) has said that: “Tom’s next marriage will be inside the church.” Yolanda’s parents are also in the church of Scientology, so this will be ideal for Tom won’t it?
“With the embarrassment his divorce has caused the church, they want to stabilize the situation quickly,” a source reportedly said. “They also want to show that Tom has rebounded fast and that his new wife is beautiful and steeped in Scientology.”
Yeah, the last thing Scientology needs is a load of bad press and people mocking it constantly, right? Just imagine a world where that was the case.
Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink