
Anorak News | Meatloaf to sue Meatloaf tribute act (because the tribute is better?)

Meatloaf to sue Meatloaf tribute act (because the tribute is better?)

by | 20th, July 2012

MEATLOAF is one of pop’s more peculiar superstars, treading the line between ‘awful rock’ and ‘awful opera’ with a variety of awful concept albums and a tremendous waistline. He’s sold a gazillion albums and appeared in numerous films, but that doesn’t mean he can sit around, resting on his laurels.

He’s got Meatloaf tribute acts to sue!

Despite the fact all Meatloaf tribute acts generate interest in Meatloaf and invariably makes his songs more accessible in the live arena, Meatloaf is not happy about them, suing a chap from Lancashire for being a “cybersquatter and online imposter.”

Dean Torkington has been performing as To Hell and Back: A Tribute to Meat Loaf for 16 years, and the dispute surrounds his website,, which he’s owned since the year 2000.

Strangely, Torkington is being delightfully cocky about it all, accusing Mr Loaf of being jealous that his own album didn’t do as well as the tribute’s, saying: “Could the reason be be it got a better review than Bat Out Of Hell 3 in Classic Rock Magazine?”

Torkington claims that he met Meat backstage at a show in Liverpool in 2003 where he was offered £1,300 by the Bat Out of Hell singer, for the domain name. He declined. And now, Pretend Loaf is going to fight the lawsuit against him.

“I have every intention of defending this to protect my good name and will not be bullied in this way,” adding that his act as now diversified into “a Multi rock tribute” also performing as Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Steve Tyler, u2 and Bruce Springsteen.

God, it sounds dreadful. All of it. We suggest a fight to the death. Last one standing gets to reign supreme over their pointless domain.

It’s because he’s lost 11 stone and doesn’t really resemble the meaty one anymore.

Spotter: Karen

Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink