
Anorak News | Chris Brown shows deep interest in Frank Ocean’s sexuality

Chris Brown shows deep interest in Frank Ocean’s sexuality

by | 1st, August 2012

WHEN Frank Ocean didn’t reveal he was gay to the world (the implication, to people who actually digested his words was that he’s bisexual, but no-one was listening properly, preferring instead to coo about how he’s the first gay person ever), he became an overnight sensation.

With that, everyone had an opinion on it. 50 Cent did his best to be supportive, but garbled his message by saying it was fine that people choose to live like that. He clearly didn’t mean ‘choice’, but whatever. Of course, rentagit Chris Brown opened his mouth without kicking his brain out of reverse.

While leaving a nightclub in Cannes over the weekend, Brown is reported to have commented on a question relating to Ocean, saying simply: “man, no homo,” which is nice isn’t it?

Breezy tried to clear everything up on Twitter, saying: “HUH??????… Are we still in ‘mental highschool’? My Opinion on the whole Frank Ocean subject is ……… Love who u wanna love. It’s ur decision. People stop searching for BS.”

Shall we leave it at that? Of course not. That’s because this gyrating berk has previous (not to mention the unease of ‘mental highschool’). It’s all very well saying that you’re not homophobic, but how about the comments made to rapper RAZ, calling him a “Dick in da ass lil boy” then? Then adding that he was a “homothug” and a user of a “buttplug.”

It is safe to say he wasn’t promoting his fondness for gays with all that carry on.

Posted: 1st, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink