What’s all this about Janet Jackson slapping Michael’s kid across the face?
NASTY is what Janet Jackson once claimed to be. Mind you, she also sang: “Privacy is my middle name, my last name is control,” which is clearly untrue as she’d be called Janet Privacy Control, which is a nonsense. Apologies to anyone with the name Janet Control out there.
Either way, reports have been doing the rounds saying that Janet has been living up to her nasty monicker by slapping Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, across the face while shouting at her. Apparently, she called her a “spoiled little bitch.”
Isn’t it great to see one of the Jackson family showing some unreserved emotion for once, instead of that weird evangelical calm they always portray?
Don’t get excited. The report, which came from TMZ, has now been corrected, with the ambulance chasers saying that it mistakenly reported a physical altercation between Janet and Paris, saying: “Although we believed the story to be true when we published it, we have now determined it was not correct. Janet did not slap or otherwise touch Paris, nor did she verbally abuse her.”
So what did happen? Well, Janet had visited the Calabasas house with brothers Randy and Jermaine to speak to Paris and her two brothers during the incredibly odd spat over the wellbeing and whereabouts of Jackson matriarch Katherine. Sheriff’s deputies responded to a “family disturbance” at the residence that afternoon and took a report of an alleged assault.
One of Katherine’s lawyers released a statement saying Michael’s siblings “stormed” the house, acting erratically, and TMZ posted surveillance showing Janet grabbing for Paris’ phone. This was all surrounded by Katherine returning from her nine day disappearing act, which saw a judge suspending her guardianship of Michael’s kids. While she was out of town, the Jackson siblings sent a curt letter to the executors of Michael’s estate accusing them of fraud.
And you thought Michael was the weird one?
Posted: 2nd, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink