
Anorak News | Ellen Page gets death threats, despite seemingly like the nicest person in Hollywood

Ellen Page gets death threats, despite seemingly like the nicest person in Hollywood

by | 6th, August 2012

YOU’VE seen Juno right? It stars the incredibly likeable Ellen Page who is probably really cool in real life and not at all like those other awful, prissy arses who clog up Hollywood’s veins.

Well, despite being lovely, she’s got herself a load of death threats because she’s apparently having sex with a popular hunk.

Authorities reportedly are investigating these death threats (sent via Twitter of course, because that’s where all criminals hang out now) which read: “I’m going to murder Ellen Page. She’s dead.”

Another said: “Ellen Page if you continue to date Alexander [Skarsgard] I will K-1-L-L you in public in the next year … Be it in a club, at a game, in a restaurant, or when you’re signing autographs.”

See, Ellen has made the mistake of being spotted out with Skarsgard in public and, these days, young people fancy superstars so much, that it makes them wish death on anyone who has the temerity to sit next to them. Ever. So should you find yourself sat on a plane next to someone from True Blood, One Direction or Breaking Bad, start worrying.

“The Internet makes it easier with YouTube, with Twitter, because these stalkers believe that the celebrities are actually talking directly to them,” says Rhonda Saunders, a Los Angeles County assistant district attorney who specializes in stalking cases. “They think that they have a relationship.”

How delusional do you have to be to think celebrities talk to anyone that isn’t another celebrity on twitter anyway? It’s like being stood outside the Groucho Club half the time!


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Ellen Page poses at the premiere of the film "Inception" in Los Angeles, Tuesday, July 13, 2010. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

Posted: 6th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink