Elton John calls Madonna a ‘fairground stripper’
MADONNA has always had her detractors and, while they are mostly unfair, sadly for Madge, they’re quite often very funny. Morrissey once said that she was the closest thing to legalised prostitution on Earth and Joan Rivers said that the singer is “so hairy, when she lifted her arm, I thought it was Tina Turner in her armpit.”
And now, Elton John is sticking the sequinned boot in.
Sir Elton was aghast when Madonna accused Lady Gaga of stealing her song, which saw him cracking his knuckles and getting his barbed tongue on the go, saying: ”Sorry, her career is over. Her tour has been a disaster and it couldn’t happen to a bigger cunt. If [she] had any common sense, she would have made a record like Ray of Light and stayed away from the dance stuff.”
He then signed off with a flourish, spitting: “And she looks like a fucking fairground stripper.”
Of course, these two have previous. Elton once spat: “Madonna, best live act? Fuck off. Since when has lip-syncing been live? Sorry about that, but I think everyone who lip-syncs on stage in public when you pay like 75 quid to see them should be shot. Thank you very much. That’s me off her Christmas card list, but do I give a toss? No,” at the Q Awards.
Would anyone object to a boxing match between these two? All in the name of charity of course.
Posted: 7th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink