Drake and Chris Brown beef is back on, via Aaliyah’s corpse
RAP beefs are numerous, but without a shadow of a doubt, the lamest of them all is the one currently playing out between Drake and Chris Brown. As we know, Chris Brown is a dreadful article, beating Rihanna up and steadfastly refusing to apologise, preferring to play the victim himself. And then there’s Drake. He’s so feeble that he looks like a man constantly on the verge of crying. He probably cries at John Lewis adverts.
And now, Drake is adding kindling to the meagre fire by having a pop at Breezy and, tastefully, he’s doing it via Aaliyah’s cadaver. Sadly, he’s not got a Ouija board out to undertake the diss (that would be brilliant), but rather, through a resurrected vocal from the late RnB singer.
Drake raps: “Running through the city with niggas I’d give a kidney/ Selling under 150 you niggas got to be kidding/ Is this even still a discussion?/ Don’t you ever wake up disgusted?”
Hands up if you have the vaguest notion what that ‘kidney’ business is about? Either way, this is a clear attempt to rile Brown, taking shots at Chris’ mediocre album sales after his latest offering ‘Fortune’ sold 135,000 copies in its first week while Drake’s ‘Take Care’ shifted 600,000.
However, while this awful pair see who can swing their dicks the most, fans on Twitter have been eager to point out that this might not be in the best possible taste, seeing as the track has been released to honour the anniversary of Aaliyah’s death in a plane crash.
@Cazba21 posted: “I love Drake but not sure reworking Aaliyah for 10 year anniversary and “dissing” Chris Brown in it is really in the right spirit!”
@In_Boss_U_Trust asked: “Is the Drake song with Aaliyah in it really a diss to Chris Brown cuz if so, that’s disrespectful”
This beef continues from Drake and Brown throwing bottles at each other in a nightclub and Brown branding Drake “a pussy nigga” in a remix.
Isn’t pop music a wonderful place sometimes?
Posted: 8th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink