
Anorak News | Pictures emerge that suggest Chris Brown is gay?

Pictures emerge that suggest Chris Brown is gay?

by | 8th, August 2012

WHEN Frank Ocean declared that he wasn’t straight, there was thunderous applause from all corners. Frank Ocean: Nice guy, super talent and having sex with whoever he feels like. Cool eh? What about Chris Brown then? What happens if he’s gay or bisexual?

Because Chris Brown is a ghoulish, Rihanna-punching imbecile, are we supposed to be thrilled or hoot in mockery? It is very hard to tell these days.

The reason we’re musing on this is because some images have emerged online which feature someone who looks like Chris Brown with… umm… a massive penis in his mouth. If you want to see the VERY NSFW PHOTO, Jahkno! published it. And there’s been others too, with some different VERY NSFW PICTURES appearing online, starring Breezy in some compromising positions.

And remember the leaked DMs from Brown’s Twitter account, where he said to a man: “Yeah i enjoyed when u fcked the shit outta me nigga but thats only in the moment, only a stupid nigga would reject an opportunity like that”

So is he gay? Well, this could well be complete cow pat, thrown around as some big hoax, but this adds fuel to the notion that Brown ended up assaulting Rihanna after she confronted him about his having sex with blokes. Naturally, where he sticks his bits are his own business, but some of Team Breezy aren’t happy, saying: “Lmao Chris Brown a fruit cake.”

So, do we mock or shrug?

Posted: 8th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink