
Anorak News | Kim Kardashian divorce dragged out by Kris Humphries for absolutely no reason

Kim Kardashian divorce dragged out by Kris Humphries for absolutely no reason

by | 15th, August 2012

IT really is a sorry state of affairs when your acrimonious split and divorce is a thousand times longer than your actual marriage. And that’s the sorry state that Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian are in after their lawyers rinsed the pair for money while pretending they were wringing their hands with worry all along.

And so, the lawyers for these vacuous bozos are to wink at each other before ‘squaring off’ in court today to tell Kris Humprhris that he needs to shit, or get off the pot. So what gives?

Well, this needlessly protracted divorce needs to get sorted now or the judge is sending it to trial. Ostensibly, the judge is as sick of these two as we are. Even Kanye West is probably weary of it all and he’s like some kind of dancing lepton.

And holding things up is Kris who is refusing to settle, even though he signed a prenup that gives him squat. So he wants to take it to court? Absolutely not. Basically, he’s holding it up for seemingly no reason. He’s playing wounded even though he made rakes of money from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as well as the wedding special, as well as a recent $24 million basketball contract, which was no doubt brokered thanks to being more of a celebrity than he was before all this nonsense happened.

Could it be that Kris likes the publicity at all?


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Posted: 15th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink