
Anorak News | Rihanna ‘protective’ over Chris Brown

Rihanna ‘protective’ over Chris Brown

by | 20th, August 2012

RIHANNA has been very, very quiet about the whole domestic battery thing that she had with Chris Brown. Not nearly as quiet as Chris Brown mind you, who thus far, has steadfastly refused to apologise to anyone or, indeed, show the world that he’s learned how to improve his behaviour (getting into beefs with Drake, being homophobic, throwing chairs through windows at US TV stations).

However, RiRi is now talking about it all, saying that she felt protective of Breezy after he beat her up. Talking to Oprah Winfrey, she said that she was worried that everyone would think of him as a monster. Which, in fairness, everyone does.

“It was embarrassing, it was humiliating. I lost my best friend. Everything I knew switched and I couldn’t control that,” Rihanna said. “It was a weird, confusing space to be in. As angry as I was, as angry and hurt and betrayed, I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help. And who’s going to help him?”

“Nobody’s going to say he needs help. Everybody’s going to say he’s a monster, without looking at the source. And I was more concerned about him.”

Clearly not too concerned though as, in recent years, she’s worked with Brown on a couple of tracks and has been widely rumoured to have rekindled her fling with him.

Posted: 20th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink