
Anorak News | Madonna being sued for $10m for views on Pussy Riot

Madonna being sued for $10m for views on Pussy Riot

by | 20th, August 2012

DESPITE the fact that this writer continually undermines Pussy Riot’s message by utterly fancying Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, the movement has attracted huge attention across the world as they rally against Russian premier Vlad Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church.

The stars of pop have come out in support of Pussy Riot, most notably, Madonna who stuck up for them during a gig in Russia. Three Pussy Riot members were sentenced to spend 2 years in prison for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” and now, thanks to Queen Madge’s support, she’s getting sued for more than $10million by emboldened hardliners.

The suit contends that residents of St. Petersburg suffered “moral damage” during Madonna’s show and lawyer Alexander Pochuyev reckons that attendees of the concert (and those that merely saw videos of the gig) have suffered “psychological stress and emotional shock” due to Madge’s “promotion of homosexuality.” She also reportedly “trampled down” an Orthodox cross.

And she was shouting about St. Petersburg’s banning “propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexualism and transgenderism, and paedophilia” too. Madonna (rightly) pointed out that the law was a “ridiculous atrocity,” adding that everyone deserved “to be treated with dignity, respect, tolerance, compassion and love.”

Of course, in Russia 2012, that’s the views of a mental radical.

Madonna said: “I call on all those who love freedom to condemn this unjust punishment. I urge artists around the world to speak up in protest against this travesty. They’ve spent enough time in jail. I call on all of Russia to let Pussy Riot go free.”

It’ll be interesting to see how the Russian government react to this one, seeing as Madonna will have more financial clout and very canny lawyers compared to Pussy Riot. Madonna won’t be backing down. Will Alexander Pochuyev?


Posted: 20th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink