
Anorak News | LL Cool J is being all big and brave after burglary

LL Cool J is being all big and brave after burglary

by | 24th, August 2012

HARD is the life of a big tough rapper when something vaguely dangerous happens to you. All that bravado you showed suddenly dissipates and you have to present yourself as human and vulnerable. That or pose loads more and threatened to kill everyone in sight.

The elder-statesmen of hip hop have families and businesses and things to worry about other than their gym-torsos and self-aggrandising. So, when LL Cool J got involved with a ne’er-do-well who broke into his house, instead of whupping his ass with the butt of a pistol, he instead assured fans he is “safe” and uninjured.

The rapper (real name Leonard Louise Cool Judkins) confronted a burglar at his property in Studio City, in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and after a small grapple (which, in fairness, may have seen the intruder ending up with a broken nose), detained him ’til the police came.

That same police force he roundly slated in ‘Illegal Search’. That police force.

Anyway, Los Angeles police Sgt. Frank Preciado says: “A physical altercation occurred between the suspect and the victim, James Todd Smith, also known professionally as LL Cool J. My understanding is he just had (a man) in custody with his physical strength.”

LL Cool J released a statement through his publicist, Rhett Usry:

“LL Cool J, and his family, are safe and thank everyone for their thoughts and concern. As a father, husband and citizen, he is committed to keeping his family safe and is cooperating with authorities on this private matter.”

It’s all good, especially if it keeps LL away from making more lousy films for a while.

Posted: 24th, August 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink