
Anorak News | Ana Amemiya is the half-human half-anime model (photos)

Ana Amemiya is the half-human half-anime model (photos)

by | 31st, August 2012

THIS is Ana Amemiya, a 22-year-old Japanese glamour model who always wears a cartoon head. (Think Frank Sidebottom’s wayward sister.)  Ana is the half-human half-anime idol. A bikini-clad mo-del wearing a big man-made head? It’s been before, but not to cheaply. Forget Jordan and all the comstic surgery. Papier-mâché is the future:


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EnRocektNews24 says Anawill be appearing in Venus Fantasista, a “Japanese mobile game about a ragtag group of beautiful girls who form a soccer team”. Catch her at Tokyo’s Akasaka Red Theater“Anna plays the role of team member Moka Nishimura and should be easy to pick out since she wears her trademark anime mask even while on stage.” WAGS need to up their game…

Posted: 31st, August 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink