What is the cure for asthma? Soup, of course!
MEDICINE is a modern miracle, but everyone knows that soup is better. It may seem odd to compare the two, but the two will now be in direct competition as bowls of gloopy vegetables are being investigated as a solution to childhood asthma.
Presumably, you won’t have to fire it into your throat with an inhaler (saying that, that sounds like it’d be much more fun that slurping it from a spoon).
Scientists (those guys again) have modified a range of commercially available soups to boost vitamin E levels and they’re hoping that pregnant women who gulp ’em will have babies with built-in defence against asthma. You see, research has shown that women lacking vitamin E in their diet give birth to children who are more likely to make a horrible wheezing, rattling noise.
The pilot study, which kicks off next month, 25 women 12 weeks into their pregnancies will be given three bowls of vitamin E-enhanced soup a week while another group of 25 women will eat stupid, ordinary soup.
Their children will eventually be judged and paraded around in some kind of asthma pageant.
Study leader Professor Graham Devereux, from the University of Aberdeen, said: “The ultimate aim of this research is to reduce the prevalence of asthma by an effective, inexpensive, acceptable and safe public health dietary intervention.
“If successful, the proposed intervention could form the basis of public health dietary advice to pregnant women that could reduce the prevalence of childhood asthma by 15%-20% within five years.”
More importantly, who will be making all this soup? Well, it appears that Baxter’s will be providing the preggo women. Hopefully, the soup company will be able to keep up with the women’s bizarre cravings.
Anyone for granite and pork scratching enhanced broth?
More asthma miracles every day.
Posted: 6th, September 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink