Did Tom Cruise turn Nicole Kidman’s children against her?
SCIENTOLOGY may not have destroyed Tom Cruise’s career, but everyone does think he’s weird now. And in fairness to him, he’s been acting very oddly since he leapt around on Oprah Winfrey’s sofa like an excitable simian. Katie Holmes has of course left him, leading everyone to talk about the recruiting process of the church in his bid to get himself a new wife (like the good-looking, incredibly wealthy Tom Cruise needs help!).
But what about his other ex-wife?
Well, there’s stories knocking about saying that when Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise divorced after 11 years, their children Isabella and Connor were turned against their mother by the Church of Scientology.
“The central problem [in the marriage] was Nicole did not want to deal with Scientology,” former high-ranking Scientologist Marty Rathbun claims in the Vanity Fair story (so go sue them, watching lawyers). After Kidman left both Cruise and the Church, she was labelled an “S.P.” (a Suppressive Person, to be avoided at all costs).
“They [the children] rejected Nicole – they’ve been instructed,” says John Brousseau, another former Scientologist who was also the bodyguard and brother-in-law of church leader David Miscavige. “They took a course, P.T.S./S.P., Potential Trouble Source/Suppressive Person, for persons connected in their lives who are an S.P. [Bella and Connor] whispered to me, ‘J.B., Nicole is an S.P.! Our mom’s an S.P. — we hate going and seeing her.'”
“The Scientology world hated Nicole,” Brousseau. “People in Sea Org were mandated to see every freaking Tom Cruise movie that came out. But if you ever mentioned an inkling to see a movie with Nicole, oh my God, you’d hear about it.”
“The entire story is hogwash,” the Church said.
Posted: 6th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink