Lana Del Rey to quit singing! (With any luck)
LANA DEL REY has always seemed disingenuous, bursting onto the scene on daddy’s money and dragging that long face of hers about the place with her vapid, weedy blub-pop. Well, praise be! Seems that she can’t be bothered being a popstar anymore and has revealed plans to branch out into screenwriting!
According to The Sun, Del Rey said:
“When I was first starting, I had a vision of being a writer for film and that’s what I am doing now. I’m so happy. Hopefully I will branch into film work and stay there.”
“What would it say? Everything I wanted to say, I’ve said already… I don’t think I’ll write another record.”
She’s said everything already! With lyrics that would make Dipsy the Teletubby vomit with embarrassment, she’s all spend with her music and now wants to (not) say anything through the medium of film.
Of course, this could all be yet another pointless daydream as she looks to branch out, away from making maudlin pop in the name of being Taken Seriously, but really, that’s we the people’s call, not hers.
The likelihood is that she’ll be tedious, whatever it is she does.
Posted: 7th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink