
Anorak News | Rihanna seen kissing Chris Brown at VMAs

Rihanna seen kissing Chris Brown at VMAs

by | 7th, September 2012

LORDY. Rihanna is absolutely determined to be an apologist for Chris Brown. Fine, she wants to forgive him and take a stronger stance than playing the victim or letting the awful beating she took ruin her life, but there’s something to make everyone incredibly uneasy about this whole tawdry affair.

Ri was seen kissing Breezy on the lips (as the video shows) at the MTV VMAs and it will no doubt add fuel to the notion that everyone should just leave Chris Brown alone. Team Breezy, Brown’s unswerving fans, will be thrilled at the sight of this, thinking that there’s officially nothing wrong with supporting a man who hospitalised a woman.

Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but the crucial stage of forgiving someone for them is for the wrong-doer to show some semblance of remorse, not to mention, learning from your wrongs and correcting yourself.

That’d be the Chris Brown who reportedly tried to throw a chair through a TV studio window. That’d be Chris Brown who was involved in a nightclub fracas with Drake. That’d be Chris Brown who was recently accused of being homophobic.

That’d be Chris Brown who still carries himself like a thoroughly dislikeable human being.

And here we are, faced with Rihanna hugging and kissing him like there’s nothing at all wrong with it. Here we are, with Chris Brown able to carry on like nothing ever happened, all the while, sending out a very troubling message to young people who may be in the throes of a violent domestic situation.

Hurray for the ugly machinery of celebrity!

Posted: 7th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink