Lindsay Lohan has been arrested, which is a massive surprise!
THE LAPD must be sick of the sight of Lindsay Lohan by now. She’s been arrested so many times that she’s probably got a worn arse-groove on bench at the station. And she’s been arrested again, of course, this time getting her collar felt for leaving the scene of an accident after allegedly clipping a pedestrian in NYC.
Law enforcement sources have said that LiLo was parking her Porsche Cayenne near the wonderfully named Dream Hotel when she hit the knee of some 30-something. One of Lohan’s chums checked the vehicle for damage and then everyone buggered off.
Obviously, someone called the cops and she ended up being arrested for leaving the scene of an accident.
Of course, this arrest could well trigger a probation violation regarding LiLo’s jewellery theft case. If that’s the case, off to prison she goes, leaving in her wake, a massive hole in the pages of gossip columnists because they’ll have sod-all to write about.
Lindsay herself is saying that she had no idea that anyone got hit until she came out and got arrested. She’s also calling the whole thing “really fishy” because the man didn’t appear to have any visible injuries and feels she’s the victim of a set up.
God bless you Lindsay. God bless you and the trouble that hounds you.
Posted: 19th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink