Paris Hilton thinks all gay men have AIDS does she?
WHEN Donna Summer made some dodgy comments about AIDS, her glorious career vanished down the toilet. At least Paris Hilton has no talent of note to waste on the back of her claim that most gay men have AIDS.
Doctor Hilton is in the house everyone!
It has been reported that the notoriously bright girl has said this poisonous comment during a cab ride in NYC (according to ambulance chasing TMZ mainly). Hilton’s rep said the cabdriver secretly recorded the audio while Paris was having a conversation with a gay friend.
During said conversation, a man can be heard bringing up Grindr, with Hilton responding with: “Ewwww. Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. Most of them probably have AIDS. I would be so scared if I was a gay guy. You’ll, like, die of AIDS.”
Feel free to add your own ‘more likely to catch something from a fast living celebutante’ joke here.
At another juncture, Hilton called gay men “disgusting.” So, how does a rep clear something like this up? Well, in a statement, they said: “Paris Hilton’s comments were to express that it is dangerous for anyone to have unprotected sex that could lead to a life threatening disease.”
Nice try.
“The conversation became heated, after a close gay friend told her in a cab ride, a story about a gay man who has AIDS and is knowingly having unprotected sex,” the rep said. “He also discussed a website that encourages random sex by gay men with strangers. As she was being shown the website her comments were in reference to those people promoting themselves on the site. The cabdriver who recorded this, only provided a portion of the conversation.”
“It was not her intent to make any derogatory comments about all gays. Paris Hilton is a huge supporter of the gay community and would never purposefully make any negative statements about anyone’s sexual orientation.”
Donna. Summer’s. Career.
Posted: 20th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink