Show-off Kanye West not so keen on sex-tape release
DESPITE the fact Kanye West’s little yeezy has appeared online already, he’s not so thrilled at the notion of a sex-tape of himself doing the rounds in public. And to think, this coming from a man who is hopelessly devoted to Kim Kardashian, a woman who became famous overnight after starring in one of the most lifeless sex-bouts ever to burn itself onto the public’s collective retina.
Numerous sites reported the existence of this tape and something of a bidding war began, with figures going into the millions., amongst others, received a cease and desist letter from West’s lawyer demanding that all screenshots from the alleged tape be removed from the web. It reads: “Be advised that the Screen Shot, as well as the Tape from which the Screen Shot was taken, were illegally obtained and believed to have been stolen from Mr. West’s computer.”
“Your posting, advertising, marketing, displaying and otherwise disseminating the Screen Shot and/or other materials on the Tape constitute actionable violations of Mr. West’s rights of privacy and publicity.”
So that’s that then?
Not on your Nelly (no, not the Nelly who said ‘it’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes… although…). Instead of this quietly going away, TMZ report that a second sex tape of Yeezy has emerged.
It seems the most outrageous self-promoter on the planet isn’t quite so keen to shout loudly about this particularly popular development in his often baffling life.
Either way, you just know we’re all going to end up seeing it at some point. There’s an air of crushing inevitability about the whole thing.
Posted: 24th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink