
Anorak News | Madonna has to point out irony of calling Obama a ‘black Muslim’

Madonna has to point out irony of calling Obama a ‘black Muslim’

by | 26th, September 2012

IT is a sorry state of affairs when people have to point out when they’re using irony. And Madonna, a notorious sarcastic ol’ thing, has had to do exactly that after everyone got jumpy about her calling Barack Obama a “black Muslim” during a show in Washington

A video shows Madge saying: “Now, it’s so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House … we have a black Muslim in the White House … it means there is hope in this country, and Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man!”

Cue a pointless furore, to which Madonna (who we’re legally obliged to refer to as ‘The Material Girl’ at some point in this article) responded:

“I was being ironic on stage. Yes, I know Obama is not a Muslim – though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is. And what if he were? The point I was making is that a good man is a good man, no matter who he prays to. I don’t care what religion Obama is – nor should anyone else in America.”

This, of course, is a stink caused by simpletons who think Obama is a secret Muslim. These people also think Obama couldn’t possibly have been born in America. Obama is a loud and proud Christian, which is just as troubling as praying to just about anyone.

Anyway, Madonna probably wasn’t expecting grief for these comments. In recent months, she’s known she was being controversial, especially when she annoyed France’s far-right Front National party after screening footage of Marine Le Pen with a swastika on her face. The Material Girl (see?) also spoken up for Pussy Riot while onstage in Russia.

But this? This only serves to underline just how odd some people in America really are.

Posted: 26th, September 2012 | In: Celebrities, Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink