
Anorak News | Nicki Minaj threatened to shoot Mariah Carey

Nicki Minaj threatened to shoot Mariah Carey

by | 5th, October 2012

YOU may have seen the story (and watched the video) about Mariah Carey getting beatdown by Nicki Minaj‘s insanely annoying voice, but have you heard about the shooting threat?

Well, that is what we’re looking at right now as Mariah Carey has been talking to Barbara Walters, about the small matter of fellow American Idol judge Nicki Minaj threatening to shoot her. That’s right. SHOOT HER. Walters said: “Nicki walked off the set and multiple people heard Nicki say, ‘If I had a gun I would shoot the bitch.'”

So how has Minaj responded to all this? With all the grace and calm of a PR person writing her tweets for her? Not likely. Minaj has gone nutso!

She said:

“I don’t call tmz n Barbara Walters cuz I stand on my own two feet. Never needed an army. God is good. Insecurity is as cruel as the grave. I guess it hurts 2 have the producers tell u to ur face that nicki is the best judge we’ve had since simon. Awww, poor u. Keep them lies cmn.”

Weird that Minaj should bring God into the equation when acting in a distinctly non-holy manner (unless you think of God as spiteful, violent and vengeful, in which case, Nicki couldn’t be more holy if she tried), but there you go, that’s American Christianity for you.

So, who do you think would win in a fight?

Posted: 5th, October 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink