
Anorak News | Actor attacks reviewer – The Knot is ‘the must-miss comedy of 2012’

Actor attacks reviewer – The Knot is ‘the must-miss comedy of 2012’

by | 7th, October 2012

DOES Davie Fairbanks have a problem with reviewers? His new film is called The Knot:

A couple endures a series of mishaps right before their wedding day.

Londonfilmfanatiq, tols its readers:

Predictable, idiotic, insulting and insipidEvery joke, gag and idea dies an immediate death before it begins to rot whilst onscreen.  Not a single actor or moment makes one minute of The Knot worth viewing. ..The Knot is 90 minutes of non-stop horrible, derivative ‘comedy’ that is never once funny, even in the slightest…The Knot is the must-miss comedy of 2012…”

PopBitch says Fairbanks thus replied on the reviewer’s Facebook wall:

 “…you shouldn’t call yourself a film fanatic, you’re quite clearly a sad jumped up c*nt that should climb up his own arse and die rather than give your ill-advised opinion to the world.”

If an actor is going to reapond to every bad review like, he’s gong to be busy…

Update: Fairbanks writes:

So everyone knows that the post I put up with regards to a Critics personal abuse column, all the opinions were completely my own and have no affiliation with anyone else involved in the film in any way. I have chosen to remove it in order not to sustain any further damage to the wonderful people still working so hard to make the film succeed. I fought for them, I’ve removed it for them, this has never been about me.


I love that everyone’s gone a little crazy over my rant. Look, I said a few things in the heat of the moment that I absolutely do not take back. Deal with it. Judge me all you want, but make sure you’re a perfect human being before you do. I love my work, my craft, my art and my life. Any one that knows me will know I’ve given absolutely everything I have, risked more than most and have paid dearly for all I have. Despite all this, it’s my work and I would never expect everyone to like it, I can only hope and pray that people do and those that don’t…so be it. I have read all of the bad reviews and good and I take everything with a pinch of salt. But every now and again, there’s one sad loser behind a keyboard with no skill or understanding of what they say and pass themselves off as a peer to be listened to…

Here’s what Phillip French wrote in the Observer:

The Knot is an offensive anthology of every loud, lewd and loathsome wedding joke staged or screened between The Taming of the Shrew and The Hangover. 

The Yorkshire Post:

 To add insult to injury it’s stilted, poorly written and badly acted.

Radio Times:

These and other scenes are so obviously signposted that you may feel as though you’ve seen it all before

The Sun:

I would have happily jilted The Knot at the altar.

The Indy:

 It’s like the most inept wedding speech you’ve ever heard, and it lasts an hour and a half.

Why did Mr Fairbanks not write to them all? As he says:

Back a wild creature into a corner you’d be an idiot not to think it will defend itself. My welcome message to you people thinking you joined this page under the radar. Post that one you C*NTS.

Catch him The Knot 2…

Posted: 7th, October 2012 | In: Film Comment | TrackBack | Permalink