
Anorak News | Bangladeshi labourer does amazing brick trick

Bangladeshi labourer does amazing brick trick

by | 16th, October 2012

THERE’S this idea among many Brits that ‘they’ are coming and taking all of ‘our’ jobs. This mainly concerns labouring jobs, where migrant workers come to Britain and work incredibly hard and get catcalled by Spesh swilling doleys who will find any excuse to not put a shift in.

Of course, there are examples in migrant workers being exploited and British grafters who can’t get a job, but being fair and even-handed isn’t nearly as fun as casting the net far and wide in the name of going, ‘eh readers?’

With that, some footage has appeared online which pretty much underlines why we must now give 100% of our labouring jobs to people from Bangladesh. This may seem like an unpopular opinion, but really, once you see the video below, there’s absolutely no way you’ll ever disagree.

Basically, some spirited lad balances a human’s worth of bricks on his head and then totters around on a boat like it is the most normal thing in the world. Meanwhile, a British labourer shows his arsecrack to everyone and complains about his job being under threat, despite showing zero flare in the workplace.

In short, this video shows the world why the people of Bangladesh are clearly the finest people on the planet.

Posted: 16th, October 2012 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink