Destination Star Trek London: Five captain, Bakula’s arse and Stewart’s nepotism
READER Stevie heads to Star Trek London 19th -21st October 2012
OK, so, screwing the Health and Safety Regulations there we were, thousands crammed into a far too small concrete box, on incredibly uncomfortable chairs, waiting for all 5 Captains to do the £95 opening 45-minute gig together -insert squee here- when they broke the bad news to us: John Barrowman was going to do the questioning. Someday John Barrowman will refrain from dropping his trousers, but it was not this day, and Scott Bakula’s self sacrifice in autographing John’s butt was deeply appreciated, particularly by Kate Mulgrew who wasn’t going to touch that one with a bargepole.
And I really liked the fact that he wrote ‘Patrick Stewart was here’…
That just about summed up the whole Convention; the planned guests were great, it cost a small fortune, the organisation was shambolic and the Health and Safety Regulations might just as well have existed in a parallel universe for all the notice anyone took of them. The organisors’ dictionary originated in a galaxy where the word ‘random’ means ‘whatever we feel like’, leaving a lot of punters who’d paid £299 for a Gold Pass, which included 6 ‘random’ autographs, pissed off by the fact that they thought ‘random’ meant ‘random’ whereas the autographs turned out to be the ones the organisors thought nobody would actually pay for.
One of those was Daniel Stewart, Patrick Stewart’s son, who appeared in one episode of TNG; I’m all for nepotism but earlier this year Daniel Stewart announced in an article in the Metro that he didn’t want to trade off being Patrick Stewart’s son. It would be nice if he made his mind up.
William Shatner demonstrated his incredible commercial acumen by offering a photoshoot with him on the mock bridge for £75 a shot, and a lot of people proved him right.
The parties -£25 each- were crap, redeemed only by the fact that on Saturday night Avery Brooks did an outstanding jazz session that was worth the price of both parties combined, provided you love jazz. I do, and it was…
Posted: 24th, October 2012 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink