
Anorak News | Why Disney buying Star Wars & Co, is a good thing

Why Disney buying Star Wars & Co, is a good thing

by | 31st, October 2012

NERDS, geeks, sci-fi nuts and nostalgia enthusiasts have been kicking through the air, swearing and cussing at the news of Disney’s new ownership of Star Wars. Disney, it seems, are going to spoil the Star Wars franchise and the rest of the Lucasfilm canon.

“Obviously I’ve been talking about retiring for several years now,” George Lucas said. “I wanted to get into sort of another stage of life where I’m not in the film business anymore, where I don’t have to run a corporation. It occurred to me one day that the perfect person to run the company was [Lucasfilm co-chair] Kathy [Kennedy]. It’s just such a perfect fit, and I felt that I really wanted to put the company somewhere in a larger entity that would protect it. Disney is a huge corporation; they have all kinds of capabilities and facilities. There’s a lot of strength to be gained by this.”

Yet everyone is focusing on Mickey Mouse ears being but on the Death Star.

However, it might not be a bad thing. For starters, Disney have been looking after Marvel and Pixar well enough. And it isn’t like anyone really enjoyed what Lucas did with Episode I, II and III. And you think Disney will be making Star Wars cutesy? You’ve clearly forgotten about Jar Jar Binks and the Ewoks.

And Disney will indeed be throwing money at a whole host of new Star Wars things. There’ll be new spin-off TV shows, games and theme park attractions and a Disney spokesperson said that we could see Star Wars for the “next 100 years.”

Star Wars is in fine hands with Disney. Indiana Jones however, might not be. Please, please don’t let Harrison Ford make more Indy films Disney. The last one was depressing.

That said, we would like to see Disney reviving Howard the Duck, because we’re curious and cruel.

Posted: 31st, October 2012 | In: Film 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink