
Anorak News | Chris Brown wants to be a better person (just forget the tasteless Halloween outfit, okay?)

Chris Brown wants to be a better person (just forget the tasteless Halloween outfit, okay?)

by | 2nd, November 2012

BELIEVE it or not, Chris Brown wants to be a better person and has admitted that he doesn’t blame the public for “hating” him over him beating the crap out of Rihanna.

Having to get personal opinion back and having to gain personal success back… it’s not all the way back, you know?” said Breezy. “But it’s one of my most humbling experiences. I can’t hate people for making judgement on me or making a decision of liking me or not liking me. All I can do is try to be better as a person, and I’m good with knowing everything isn’t always going to be perfect.”

“The fan base that I have and the actual support is unreal to me. They’ve put me in a position to be able to help people and continue to do music and help my family, help my mom… I just want my fans to be able to identify, whether it be the ones that maybe could of had everything or they maybe blew their chance and they failed and didn’t know how to get back up.”

And with this chat, a judge has ruled that Chris is permitted to embark on his European tour later this month after an initial ban for his crime sheet. Any time in the UK sees Brown agreeing to abide by the conditions of his probation.

So is Chris Brown a changed man? Is he trying to reconcile with Rihanna and the public? Could it really… oh wait. What?

Chris Brown went to a Halloween party dressed up like a Middle East terrorist. Will that boy ever learn?

Posted: 2nd, November 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink