How many houses does it take to fill a Death Star?
WITH everyone currently going crazy over George Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney, and everyone going even more nuts for the Star Wars version of Angry Birds, there’s a very important question that needs asking: How many houses would you need to fill up the Death Star?
Now, we all know that the Death Star is, scientifically speaking, bloody massive, but just how big? Well, thankfully, a new infographic is here to demonstrate exactly that.
On the Movoto blog, they claim to have the answer, saying that you’d need 1.08 trillion homes to fill up the gigantic, lethal space station. That’s a lot of houses. That’s a lot of people using the toilet. Imagine the smell.
So how exactly was that calculated? There’s some nerds out there who won’t just accept 1.08 trillion houses as a suitable answer without someone showing their working out in their exercise book.
So there you have it. Luke Skywalker defeated evil, but did he consider for one second the sheer amount of fatalities when he exploited the Death Star’s weakness?
Posted: 9th, November 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink