Mum wants oak trees banned from nut-free school
TO Ontario, where mum of two Donna Giustizia says oak trees by St. Stephen Catholic Elementary School are a danger to health. The acorns are potential killers. Says Giustizia chair of the school’s allergy committee, of the trees by the, apparently, nut-free school:
“A false sense of security is putting a sign on the door that says nut-free and there’s nuts all over the place. I’m not a crazy mom, I’m not asking for anything that’s not already there. The acorns are not only presenting a risk to the tree nut-allergic students but it is also becoming a great cause of anxiety amongst all students with nut allergies.”
She says acorns “can also be used to bully and torment children”.
Pretty much anything can be used to bully and torment children. Innovative children and the education system are masters at torment. But other than making a child eat an acorn, what can happen?
We advice against making acorn shakes and smoothies, and remove all acorn trees. Then remove all blades of grass, eggs, wheat, insects, mould, cosmetics and children.
Last month we heard of Devon Carrow-Sperduti, from Buffalo, in New York state, who does not go to school. He’s allergic to other children. His school place at Winchester Elementary School is occupied by a £3,000 VGo interactive robot — which communicates with a webcam on his home computer. Says his teacher Jennifer Szewc: “One of the great things about the VGo is that Devon can turn and talk. When he turns on his light, it’s like another hand going up in the room.”
Poor Devon.
But it might be the future. Robot children taught by a robot in an hermetically sealed world away from anything risky. It might not deliver a generation of winners and doers, but they’ll not know any different. It can work. For proof, get a load of Prince Edward…
Posted: 15th, November 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink