
Anorak News | Sweden, where public transport is blighted by sex

Sweden, where public transport is blighted by sex

by | 15th, November 2012

SOME stereotypes are ace. While the English are known for complaining and being racist, the Swedish are simply known as being really, really sexy. Who wouldn’t want that as people’s default setting about you? And this, it seems, is a stereotype that has some legs.

Lovely, lovely legs.

See, in Britain, public transport is late and unreliable, stopped by leaves on the line or bus drivers so jaded that they can’t decide whether to floor their vehicles away from people who are racing to the bus-stop, or wait around on random bits of the road for hours, pretending to sort their change out.

In Sweden, it’s sexy time.

Want an example? Okay, one train in Sweden was severely delayed by a couple having sex on the train tracks. The lovers got jiggy in their car in southern Sweden, causing a train to slow down, suspecting a suicide attempt. However, when everyone peered into the vehicle, eyes could see a rather compromising situation.

Train dispatcher Mattias Hellberg told Sveriges Radio:

“Often when cars are sitting near the tracks, it can be copper thieves at work or unfortunately a person who has tired of life. [However], it was two people who were very happy and having a little moment of passion.

“The driver told them they weren’t being very discreet there, and asked them to get moving.”

See? Sweden. Brilliant sexy and everyone is cool about it. And that’s not all. Another couple were removed from a bus for being too sexy. This pair were travelling on a Gothenburg bus and the bus driver had to call the police on them, so they’d stop being quite so sexual (you don’t want to get a bus pregnant, right?).

Police spokesman Stefan Gustavsson told local newspaper Göteborgs Posten: “The driver called the police. It wasn’t enough to tell them off. The driver was bothered by what was going on, and I guess the other passengers were also bothered.”

And did the sexy couple get arrested for public indecency? Not likely! Police interrupted them and popped them in a taxi so they could finish up elsewhere.

God bless Sweden.

Posted: 15th, November 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink