
Anorak News | Julie gets high in the dentist and makes the whole world laugh

Julie gets high in the dentist and makes the whole world laugh

by | 16th, November 2012

GOING to the dentist is no fun. They drill your face, tell you off for the amount of sugar you spoon into your honking gob, and force you to read copies of Woman’s Own that are older than the internet.

However, sometimes, it is really really really fun. Especially when they jack you up on loads of drugs.

And to prove this, a video has gone viral of a great sport called Julie, who had her wisdom teeth removed. Filmed by her husband Cameron, Julie’s pie-eyed confusion is one of the most joyous things online right now (and not a stupid, cutesy animal in sight).

The tittersome video shows Julie utterly bewildered by laughing gas and she comes-to, believing that no teeth have been taken out. Wobbling around on her chair, she slurs and gawps at her watch and generally is a brilliant spectacle. Over a million views later, the world now has a slightly sore stomach from giggling.

If you haven’t seen it, watch away and thrill at how daft people are when they’re as high as Baumgartner.

Posted: 16th, November 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink