
Anorak News | Good old Germany finally outlaws having sex with animals… but not without opposition

Good old Germany finally outlaws having sex with animals… but not without opposition

by | 26th, November 2012

HAVING sex with an animal is pretty much universally frowned upon. It doesn’t matter how much you sexualise your cat on Instagram, you know you’re not actually allowed to make love to its tiny undercarriage. Besides, it’d probably smell like tinned meat.

That all taken into consideration, it may surprise you that Germany is only just getting round to banning all forms of bestiality by law.

Newspaper die Tageszeitun are reporting that bestiality has not been illegal in the country since 1969. You have to wonder what happened in 1969 for politicians to drop such a law. There were a helluva lot of drugs floating around in the late sixties in fairness.

Either way, the law is coming back and if the government manages to enforce change, those found guilty of raping animals (because that’s exactly what it is) will face fines of up to €25,000.

Chairman of the agriculture committee Hans-Michael Goldmann said that politicians need to stop people pimping or performing “individual sexual acts” on animals. That seems reasonable doesn’t it? Well, some mad berk has other ideas.

A zoophile group called ZETA (presumably nothing to do with Michael Douglas’ famous wife) say: “Mere concepts of morality have no business being law.”

Surely laws are exactly the same as ‘concepts of morality’ no?

Posted: 26th, November 2012 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink