Chris Brown deletes Twitter account after pretty awful rant while Rihanna tweets this photo of him
TO say that Chris Brown is like a giant, fighty child, is something of an understatement. He sulks and pouts when he’s called out for being unapologetic for assaulting Rihanna and still gets involved in fights (see nightclub incident with Drake amongst others) while RiRi seems to court their relationship (whatever it is) for publicity.
Basically, we’ve got domestic abuse being used as a PR machine and pretty much everyone feels really lousy about it, apart from those making money off the back of Rihanna’s battered face.
And so it goes on, with Rihanna tweeting a picture of Chris Brown on a bed, crashed-out on his Bart Simpson duvet. See? Like he’s a ten year old who just discovered hard-ons and blunts.
The 777 star posted the picture via her Instagram and accompanied it with the caption: “Dis n**ga……. #BartObsessed”.
So what’s Breezy up to when he’s not buying children’s bedsheets? Well, he’s pretty pretty awful to women elsewhere, seemingly unrepentant about being a reactionary, angry young git. After a row with US comic, Jenny Johnson, he’s gone and deleted his Twitter account because he can’t be trusted.
Brown uploaded a picture of himself along with the comment: “I look old as f**k! I’m only 23…”, to which Johnson replied: “I know! Being a worthless piece of s**t can really age a person.”
Breezy swiped back by saying: “Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d**k HOE“, with Johnson responding flatly with: “It’s ‘HO’ not ‘HOE’ you ignorant f**k,” with Brown going further by saying: “I should fart while ur giving me top.”
Johnson replied: “Your mum must be so proud of you“, to which Brown spat back: “Mum says hello… She told me not to shart in ur mouth, wanted me to s**t right on the retina.” Johnson then joked, “YOU FLIRT!!!“, before telling her followers: “Okay. I’m done. All I got from that exchange with Chris Brown is that he wants to s**t and fart on me.”
She signed off: “I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing”, which saw Breezy writing: “Just ask Rihanna if she mad??????”
Brown then tweeted, “To teambreezy… Know that I’m not upset. Just felt like entertaining the ignorance. These b*tches crazy“, before deleting his account.
So there you have it. Chris Brown, calling women bitches and saying he’ll poo in your eye if you goad him. Temper, anyone?
HuffPo have screengrabs of the whole thing, should you need evidence.
Posted: 26th, November 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink