Man builds ark to escape apocalypse, like you do
MENTAL people think there’s an apocalypse coming because some Mayans forgot to finish making their calendars. And one insane guy in China is currently making an ark to escape the Mayan apocalypse because, obviously, if the world ends and the Four Horsemen come, you’ll be fine if you’re sat inside a conspicuous giant boat filled with hooting animals.
Lu Zhenghai, presumably a normally lovely chap, has spent £100,000 on his ark so far. And it stands at 65 feet and is his completely pointless safeguard against a flood that inevitably won’t happen.
Talking to the China News Service:
“I took all my savings and invested in the construction of this boat. When the time comes, everyone can take refuge in it.”
However, he’s run out of money.
All Lu can hope for is that he becomes some kind of penny peep show for tourists and they want to pay to look at his magnificent folly.
Wouldn’t you pay good money to look at a giant, unfinished boat?
Photo: Pairs of animals walk up ramp and into Noah’s Ark on a film set near Rome where movie The Bible is being shot, March 24, 1965. American director-actor John Huston plays the role of Noah as well directing.
Posted: 30th, November 2012 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink