Union J fan woman screams what we’re all thinking at X Factor (VIDEO)
THE single greatest thing the X Factor has given the UK, is that for one night a week, we’re unified in bewildered hatred. Of course, there’s the berks who hate it because they sneeringly prefer ‘real music’ by ‘people who write their own music’ (warning: Chris De Burgh wrote his own songs and half of Motown didn’t). The best people enjoy the show and the hatred it stirs.
X Factor is the only time Britain is truly alive.
And one fine, fine woman has been caught on video going mental over Christopher Maloney making it through to the X Factor final.
And it contains a delightful amount of swearing.
The lady is annoyed because she’d voted for Union J five times (folly), so peppers the air with amazing profanity, and nails the sentence “It’s no’ funny… he’s a tit.” Watch this video and remind yourself of what it’s like to have white-hot, searing anger course through your body.
Posted: 4th, December 2012 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink