Would you eat a burger if you needed ID for it? The Atomic Fallout Pizza burger is here
BURGER eaters are having to show ID before they can eat a patty. How about that? Now, before you start thinking that this is some awful, awful Jamie Oliver stunt for healthy eating, it is quite the opposite. The ID is part of a disclaimer because this burger is so unbelievably spicy.
Customers will need to wear protective gloves to eat the Atomic Fallout Pizza burger, which has a terrifying sauce made from Scotch Bonnet and Naga Bhut Jolokia chillies. One of those alone is not to be trifled with, unless you’re a complete psychopath with an oven glove for a tongue.
And if you’re mental enough to take on this burger, you have to be over 18 and of ‘sound mind and judgement’ and it will cost you £25 and comes with a triple helping of chilli fries.
The burger itself, apart from being covered in barely-edible magma, comes in at three 18oz beef patties, 18oz of cheese and two deep fried slices of pizza to hold it together.
Of course, it sounds delicious.
Atomic Burger owners Martin Bunce and James Reilly, who came up with the idea, are offering anyone who finishes the meal a place on the restaurant’s ‘Top 100 Wall of Flame’ and an Atomic Fallout t-shirt.
But you still have to pay for it, which seems stupid.
Posted: 6th, December 2012 | In: Reviews, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink