
Anorak News | Kate Middleton Pregnancy Watch: Jacintha Saldanha, suicide notes, death threats and prestigious imitation

Kate Middleton Pregnancy Watch: Jacintha Saldanha, suicide notes, death threats and prestigious imitation

by | 14th, December 2012

KATE Middleton Pregnancy Watch – Day 13 of the Duchess of Cambridge’s womb news: Jacintha Saldanha continues to dominate.

The front pages:

The Guardian: “Hoax call victim left suicide note criticising hospital staff”

The 3 suicide notes

The Mirror:

A source close to Jacintha’s family said: “One of the letters, which is the longest, deals with the hospital and is critical in its tone. Needless to say, Ben wants a full inquiry into what happened, and he wants to make sure the truth comes out. Within the letter Jacintha calls into question some of the treatment she received at the hospital.”

Ben is Ben Barboza, Jacintha’s husband.

Keith Vaz than wades in:

Senior Labour MP Keith Vaz, who is working on behalf of her ­relatives, said last night: “The truth of this matter has to come out for the sake of her family.”

When someone commits suicide, we never know the truth. Thats the cruellest part for those left behind.

“I have dealt with similar cases in the past and I would agree with the Prime Minister that the family need to get the full facts, from the time she took the call from 2Day FM to the time she was found.”

We can get a timeline. We can apportion blame. But we can never know the full facts.

What we do know:

Detective Chief Inspector James Harman also explained how she was found, saying that a fellow nurse and a security guard found her hanging, with cuts on her wrists, but added that there were no ‘suspicious circumstances’ to her death, which means that they don’t believe there to be a second party involved in her death.

The Times has news on Mel Greig and Michael Christian, the Australian DJS who made that prank callto King Edward VII hospital:

One letter sent to DJ Michael Christian warned him there were “bullets out there with your name on it.” Further threats were made involving a shotgun which were inappropriate to print, according to the Sydney Daily Telegraph which obtained the letter.

A death threat and censorship. Nice.

A New South Wales police spokesman said: “Police are conducting an investigation into threats made against two Sydney radio presenters.. Detectives seized a letter which contained a number of threats. Detectives are conducting an investigation into the matter and are attempting to identify the source of the letter.”

Weighty Issues

Laurie Essig (Forbes): “The Weight Of Kate Middleton’s Pregnancy”

It seems almost impossible to believe that one person is already dead due to a nearly global hysteria over the pregnancy of Kate Middleton, but it appears to be the case…

Death by hysteria.

But care people do. Not only was it important enough in Australia to stage a royal hoax to find out if the baby bump was real, but all over the anglophone world, people are watching Kate Middleton’s pregnancy as if it were the birth of Jesus. Some people are wondering if Middleton is in fact too thin to be pregnant and that she might even suffer from pregorexia- a toxic mix of eating disorders and the weight gain that comes with pregnancy.

Get fat soon, Kate.

But why is there so much weight on Kate and William reproducing? What are the larger implications of this global obsession with Kate’s pregnancy? In order to answer that, we have to think about two things: prestigious imitation and futurity.

Come again?

Prestigious imitation is a pretty simple idea from anthropology that in all cultures we look to those with the most prestige and attempt to imitate them…

Futurity is the idea that intimate relations must be seen as productive, as invested in an imaginary and eternally delayed “future,” if they are ever to count as “good” and “deserving” celebration and gifts…

She ends:

Like the character Maleficent arriving at the birth of Sleeping Beauty, Morrisey and all who refuse to celebrate the royal offspring and emulate the futurity that Kate and Will represent will be marked as evil sorcerers to be banished from the kingdom.

After that burst of utter bollocks, we learn:

Sarah Burton announced today (Thursday) she’d love to dress the most watched bump in the world. 

Such are the facts…

Posted: 14th, December 2012 | In: Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink