
Anorak News | The amusing plot to kidnap, castrate and kill Justin Bieber

The amusing plot to kidnap, castrate and kill Justin Bieber

by | 14th, December 2012

WE’VE all been annoyed by Justin bloody Bieber at some point, with his wholesome little face and unwholesome views on rape.

With that, we can all have a chuckle at a plot that has been uncovered by court papers which showed that some ne’er-do-wells planned to kidnap the gyrating infant, as well as castrating and strangling him. We can laugh because it didn’t happen.

The person behind the plot, Dana Martin, (currently in jail for rape and murder,) had arranged for two men to abduct the pint-sized superstar, as well as his bodyguard and two other unrelated people. Martin also put a $2500 bounty on each of Bieber’s presumably under-developed testicles, to be removed with a pair of garden shears.

How delightful.

The plan detailed that Bieber was to be kidnapped after a show in New York. Copyright and then, after his nads had been lopped off, he was to be strangled with a paisley tie which Martin had used in previous murders. Alas, stupid Dana Martin told prison wardens about his grisly plan and the whole thing collapsed.

What’s interesting is that Martin is a little obsessed with JB. He’s got a tattoo of the singer on his leg and he is under the impression that Bieber has been ignoring him.

Not surprising if you’re the kind of person who strangles people with paisley ties and puts bounties on balls.

After the plan was foiled, a spokesman for Justin Bieber said: “We take every precaution to protect and ensure the safety of Justin and his fans.”

Posted: 14th, December 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink