
Anorak News | Man overdoses on Brussel sprouts (it’s a gas, gas, gas)

Man overdoses on Brussel sprouts (it’s a gas, gas, gas)

by | 29th, December 2012

IT is fair to say that the humble Brussel sprout polarises opinion. Some love them more than any other food, while others heave at the thought of shovelling them down their gob.

One man from Ayrshire loves sprouts so much that he ended up hospitalised after overdosing on them.

That’s right! The mighty sprout, super rich in vitamin K (which helps the body to clot blood in a good way) was horsed down by the Scottish man (who has not been named) who gobbled so many that he suffered a heart failure after the sprouts interfered with his blood thinning medication.

Doctors at Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank couldn’t work out what was wrong with the man before discovering that he’d eaten a plateful of sprouts.

Consultant cardiologist Dr Roy Gardner said:

“Patients who are taking anticoagulants are generally advised not to eat too many green leafy vegetables, as they are full of vitamin K, which antagonise the action of this vital medication.”

Jill Young, chief executive of the Golden Jubilee Hospital, added:

“Whilst we think this is possibly the first-ever festive admission to hospital caused by the consumption of Brussels sprouts, we were delighted that we were able to stabilise his levels.”

So there you have it. The man is fine, but sprouts can kill you. Feel free to use that if people try and make you eat them.

Posted: 29th, December 2012 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink