Brian Cox autotunes his way back to the beginning of time
AUTOTUNE has been the pariah of ears throughout 2012. However, Autotune is a fine invention when used well or creatively. Regarding the latter, a number of amusing Autotuned videos have appeared online, making the most tedious of voices more akin to an cyborg choir!
And now, Brian Cox has been turned into a space-crooner with a ‘mash-up’ (a dreadful term, granted) by John Boswell (who, in fairness, is very, very good at mash-ups).
Of course, Brian has pop-previous, with his time in D:Ream and his words about the beginnings of the universe have been transformed into android song.
Watch Brian Cox and Friends, singing about big ideas.
The video features in 2012: Mashed, which is presented by Rich Fulcher, airing tonight on Channel 4.
Of course, Boswell is already well known for his excellent A Glorious Dawn track, which featured Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking.
A Glorious Dawn was so good that Jack White’s Third Man Records released it on a 45 in 2009, to mark an anniversary of Sagan’s birth.
Watch the (frankly better) Sagan and Hawking video here.
Posted: 29th, December 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink