A monkey! Riding a dog! In the middle of an American Football match!
THINK about the entertainment that surrounds football matches in England. A meat and potato pie with grey innards? Someone doing a draw so someone wins £200? Or if it is a special game, maybe Katherine Jenkins looking contemptuous on the halfway line, trying to flog some awful CD of warbling?
Well, once again, America puts us all to shame. The Super Bowl has had Prince, The Who and Paul McCartney and a football match has knocked them all into a cocked hat with the greatest entertainment any sport could ever hope to sit beside…
A monkey riding a dog.
That’s right! At a half time game between the Indianapolis Colts and Houston Texans on Sunday, organisers decided to hold an animal show. Yet this wasn’t some middle aged woman prancing around, doing a dance routine with a pooch. This was a dog, running really fast, with a little ape on its back.
An excited commentator can be heard exclaiming in the viral video: “Behold – a monkey riding a dog! You do not get better than that. You can go to 2013 knowing again you have seen a monkey riding a dog.”
And so, we all look to the League and FA Cup finals for something truly spectacular to top that. We’d like to see Russell Kane in a boxing match with a stingray while Susan Boyle and a llama go head-to-head in a drag race.
FA, sort it out.
Posted: 2nd, January 2013 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink